Main Objectives

The main goal of the eBORDER action is effectively two-fold:

  • to promote the transfer of knowledge through staff exchanges based on international and inter-sector collaborations within the network, and
  • to develop product innovation that can create sustainable market impact and enable the EU citizen.

While the first will be achieved by close collaboration, training events and the aforementioned intersectoral secondments, the design and implementation of the specialised modules required by eBORDER demand a strong effort to some major scientific fields namely, on the one hand, biometric identification and multimodal biometric data fusion, and on the other hand secure communications and management of mobile devices. Both require joint effort from academic and commercial partners in order to produce an effective and sound market-oriented product.

In detail, eBORDER's main technical objectives are the following::

  • Advanced biometric verification algorithms targeting face and fingerprints biometric traits for land and sea border crossing checks
  • Biometric data fusion for enhanced passenger identification
  • Device and wireless security for next generation mobile passenger identification devices
  • Implementation and validation of eBORDER in laboratory environment

NEWS ( more news here )



eBORDER attends the RISE Coordinators' Day in Brussels, 16-17 January 2020.





- H2020- MSCA-RISE Project Number:

- Start Date: 01 January 2020

- End Date: 31st December 2021


- 5 Partners [Instituto de Telecomunicações - Coordinator], University of Bradford, University of Patras, Acticom GmbH, Iquadrat]

- 5 European Countries [Portugal, Spain, Germany, UK, Greece]


- Total Funding: 1.3 M€